Evaluation of apically extruded debris by using hand and rotary Nickel-Titanium instruments
Key words: apical extrusion, ProTaper system, NiTi instrumentsAbstract
This study evaluated the amount of apical debris, using hand, rotary ProTaper instruments, and rotary ProFile instruments. Forty five of mandibular premolars with single root were randomly divided into three groups. The teeth in all groups were instrumented until reaching the working length, with ProFile, rotary ProTaper and hand PrpTaper instruments. Debris extruded from the apical foramen was collected into preweighed polyethylene vials and the extruded irrigant was evaporated. The weight of the dry extruded debris was established by comparing the pre-and post instrumentation weight of polyethylene vials for each group. All instruments tested produce a measurable amount of debris, a statistically significant difference was observed between ProTaper instruments and ProFile group in term of debris extrusion (P < 0.001). Although ProTaper rotary extruded a relatively higher amount of debris, no statistically significance difference was observed between this type and the ProTaper hand instruments (P > 0.05).

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