Maternal caries experience and mutans streptococci in relation to their children in Baghdad city


  • Zahraa' NAbu-Eise
  • Athra M AL-Weheb



Mutans streptococci, DMFS, dmfs, dental caries, saliva


dental The aim of this study was ot investigate the association between hte maternal caries, birth order on carly childhood caries. Material and methods sample subjects consist of 126 mother-child pairs, age of children range betwen 30-54 months, DMFS/dmfs represent the caries experience, salivary samples were taken for counting streptococcus mutans. Results showed that maternal caries experience and salivary mutans streptococci have significant association with their children the sequence of child ni the family effect the caries experience of hte child. Conclusion these findings are compatible with the hypotheses that adult oral diseases are associated with hte probability of exposure ot infectious agent and earlier bacterial colonization during childhood


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How to Cite

Maternal caries experience and mutans streptococci in relation to their children in Baghdad city. (2004). Mustansiria Dental Journal, 1(2), 228-236.

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