Extrinsic black dental stains in relation to dental caries and mutans streptococci in saliva
Dental caries, mutans streptococci, saliva, extrinsic stainAbstract
The severity of extrinsic black dental stain in relation to dental caries and levels of mutans streptococci ni saliva was studied. The study population consisted of 23 children with mean age of 8 ‡ 2.15 years. A lower caries experience was recorded among children with black stain than those with out, however a statistical difference was seen only among permanent dentition P< 0.05. A lower level of bacteria was recorded among children with the stain compared to other group, but difference was not significant P> 0.05. A strong and highly significant inverse corelation coefficient was seen between the severity of dental stain and DMFS, r = -0.53 P<0.01. As for dmfs and levels of bacteria for each an inverse correlation was seen but statistically not significant P>0.05.
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