Oral health status and treatment needs in humaidat village
Dental caries, periodontal disease, DMFT.CPITN, treatment needAbstract
This study was part of a field work carried out by the University of Mosul in
Humaidat village, which is located about 25km North West of Mosul on the river Tigris .
The size of the sample was 310 individuals, 138 males and 172 females, their ages
ranging between 6-57 years. The aim of the study was to determine the trends of dental
caries and periodontal disease and compare the results with a previous study canied out
in the same village .
Clinical examination was carried out inthe village school using a portable dental
chair and adequate light. Diagnosis of dental caries and assessment of dental treatment
needs was performed according to WHO *1997 guidelines, while the gingival health status
and periodontal treatment needs of the individuals was performed using the Community
Periodontal Index Treatment Needs (CPITN) as recommended by WHO 1987 ,
Results showed that mean DMFT value for the sample was 5.81 with a
statistically significant age difference, although females tended to have higher means than
males, there was no significant differences between them, mean DMFT values were
much less than a previous study in the same area, the dental treatment needs showed that
one surface filling was needed as the highest mean for the total sample , followed by 2 or
more surface fillings , extraction and finally pulp care .
The periodontal condition of the individuals was very bad, with the disease being
prevalent in 99.7% ofthe population, which is much more than the previous study, more
than three quarter of the sample had calculus as the highest CPITN score, in addition to
the presence of a large percentage of individuals having pockets .
The periodontal treatment needs were massive with only 0.3% needing no
treatment, health education was required at a range of
,% )077-50.79( scaling was needed in 87.7% of the total sample and finally complex

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