Evaluation of dental health and thickness of mandibular inferior cortex among menopaused Iraqi cigarette smokers sample by the aid of using digital panoramic radiography
Keywords: Menopause, smoking, bone resorption, panoramic radiographyAbstract
Smoking is linked to osteoporosis through its anti-estrogenic effect in women
which results in premature menopause in smokers and increased bone resorption is
correlated with estrogen loss in menopause women. The aim of this study is to
evaluate the effects of smoking and hormonal changes on the thickness of mandibular
inferior cortex and the dentition status in both maxilla and mandible (DMFT) in
menopausal females and to estimate the value of panoramic radiographic findings in
assessing the possibility of latent osteoporosis. Panoramic images for 80 healthy,
median stature, smokers and non-smokers Iraqi female subjects aged (20-35) years
premenopausal and (45-60) years menopause was done, then the thickness of
mandibular inferior cortex and (DMFT) was evaluated. The results showed that
panoramic radiographic measurements are considered as indicator of bone turnover
and the dentist is able to identify smokers and non-smokers postmenopausal females
with increase risk of osteopenia and osteoporosis by using dental panoramic
radiography which is a simple valuable screening tool.
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