Facilitating osteogenesis of Hydroxyapatite granules by Autogenous bone marrow
Key words :hydroxyapatite,bone morphogenic protein,bone marrow.Abstract
The aim study to evaluate whether Hydroxyapatite granules alone or in combination
with autogenous bone marrow can facilitate bone formation. Materials and Methods: (8)
dogs of both sexes were used as a model in this experimental study ,they were divided into
two groups , the control group in which ( 4) dogs were operated on in this group received
Hydroxyapatite granules alone in defect created in the body of mandible (1cm) in diameter
and experimental group in which (4)dogs were operated on in this group received
Hydroxyapatite granules mixed with autogenous bone marrow implanted in the defect also
created in the body of mandible (1cm) in diameter .Alkaline phosphatase enzyme (ALP)
used as parameter to evaluated the degree of osteogenesis ,so blood sampling from femur
vein was aspirated at 1st ,2nd ,3rd and 4th weeks respectivelly for biochemical analysis
.Results :Statistical analysis showed that there is significant elevation of serum (ALP) in
experimental group at day 15 and 21 comparing to control group .Conclusion:
Hydroxyapatite with autogenous bone marrow than it is used alone. has great effect on
facilitating of osteogenesis.

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