Microleakage evaluation of two types of pit and fissure sealants using two different methods, (in vitro study)
Background: Clinical preventive procedures must be done after careful assessment;
one of the major risk factor is the occlusal morphology of the posterior teeth. These
caries free fissures must be sealed. This in vitro study evaluated the microleakage of
two types of sealant materials (unfilled resin and flowable composite) on enamel
surfaces prepared using two methods (acid etching with enameloplasty and acid
etching alone).
Material and methods: Thirty two extracted human third molar were selected and
randomly assigned in to 4 groups of eight teeth each; group A, the occlusal surfaces of
teeth were acid etched ,then sealed with concise white sealant; group B, they were
acid etched then sealed with wave mv flowable composite ;group C, they were
prepared with bur ,acid etched ,then sealed with concise white sealant ;group D, they
were prepared by bur, acid etched, then sealed with wave mv flowable composite. The
sealed surfaces were stored for seven days in distilled water, then specimens were
thermocycled 500 cycles, immersed 24 hours in a 2% buffered methylene blue dye,
then sectioned and analyzed for leakage under a stereo microscope. Chi-square test
was performed to test the differences of leakage among the four groups.
Results: The results showed that there was no significant difference (p>0.05) in
microleakage for the same material with and without bur preparation. Concise white
sealant produced significantly (p<0.05) less microlaekage than wave flowable
Conclusion: under the conditions of the present study, bur preparation
(enameloplasty) followed by acid etching produces no less microlaekage than did acid
etching alone. Concise white sealant (unfilled resin) demonstrated less amount of
microlaekage when compared to wave mv flowable composite.
Key words: pit and fissure sealant, enameloplasty, unfilled resin, flowable
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