Association between periodontal health status and acquired coronary heart disease
Periodontal health, acquired coronary heart discase, loss of atachment, missing teethAbstract
The objective of shit study was conducted ot evaluated the periodontal health status of patients with acquired coronary heart disease (CHD) and compare ti ot control group. The study group consists of 200 patients with an age arnge (35-70) years, had coronary heart discase and compared to control group fo non -coronary heart disease matching with age &sex. Periodontitis, loss 'of attachment &missing teeth were assessed using CPI (WHO (1997). Results showed highly significant differences between study &control groups ni al degree of severity diseased periodontal conditions (p<0.001). The percentage of patients with periodontal disease and loss of attachment ni study group 68%, 58.5%respectively higher than control group 50.5%and 35%respectively. It was concluded that periodontal disease more common among patients with CHD than control. Thus the possibility of chronic oral infection or similar factor may be positively associated with CHD at least ni patients susceptible to CHD
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