Comparison of marginal adaptation between all ceramic crown and full cast crown with two different luting cement (In Vitro study)
Composite, Micro leakage, Bond Etch, Curing, CeramicAbstract
The purpose of this study was to determine and evaluate the micro leakage and fit of
all ceramic crown and full cast metal crown using two different luting agent. Twenty
four recently caries free wisdom teeth were used .
The teeth were cleaned and checked with magnifying lens.
Noticed any cracks or caries . Specimens remained in distilled water at room
temperature . Each specimen were centrally inserted in cylinder 20mm height and 20mm
internal diameter containing self curing acrylic resin . Preparation were completed at the
dentin level of the cement -enamel junction with a chamfer finish line 1.2mm all round
tooth . The height of preparation was 7mm with a convergence angle of six degree using
diamond bur ( Germany, No 878, 2012) . Prepared teeth were divided in two main
groups ( n=6) .
Group A: All ceramic crown(12-Specimens) . Subdivided in two subgroup.
A1:- ( 6) Specimens used the zinc-phosphate cement. A2:- (6) Specimens used resin
cement . Group B :- Full cast crown (12-Specimens). Subdivided in tow subgroup
Group B1 :-( 6 ) Specimens used zinc-phosphate cement Group B2:- (6 ) Specimens
used resin cement .
After 24hr of storage in distilled water at 37c , all the specimens immersed in 0.5%
basic fuchcin dye for 24hr.Fallowing removal from the solution , each tooth was
vertically sectioned bucco-lingually with water-cooled diamond disc . Stereomicroscope
at 40 magnification was to study the extent of microleakge, which was indicated by the
dye pentration recorded at both metal-cement(MC) and tooth-cement ( TC) interface .
Microleakge was done according to the index proposed by Tjan etel[1] .
The data of all 4 groups was analyzed with one-way analysis of variance with
student T-test was used to compare the microleakage scores within the groups at both the
interface. The data obtained in this study show statistically significant difference in
microleakage level between group A and B and between subgroup of specimens.
The conclusion of this study , resin cement recorded less micro leakage in both all
ceramic crown, and metal cast crown Than zinc – phosphate cement , because The self curing nature with low curing rate, give rapid and superior adhesion to both dentin and
restoration and better mechanical properties
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