Effect of different surface treatments on shear bond strength of zirconia bonded to dentin with two resin luting cements
Key words:Zirconia,surface treatments,luting resin,bond strengthAbstract
All-ceramic materials, especially silica-based lithium di-silicate and non-silicatebased
Zirconia have become a topic of interest in the field of dentistry. It is still
difficult to achieve a strong and durable resin-ceramic adhesion, especially resin-
Zirconia bonding, focusing on the latest resin bonding techniques including surface
treatment, priming and cementation.
The purposes of this study was to evaluate the effect of different surface
treatments on shear bond strength of zirconia bonded to dentin with two resin luting
cements.A total 60 zirconia discs 3mm thickness and 6 mm diameter subjected to
three types of surface treatments,irradiated with CO2 laser,etched with hydrofluoric
acid, sandblasted+ceramic primer application,then bonded to dentin with two types of
resin cement (variolinkII and Dentocem). Shear bond strength was measured and the
type of failures were determined. The data were statistically analyzed by one-way
analysis of variance and Independent T-test. The results of this study showed that the
groups which were sandblasted treated with ceramic primer produced highest shear
bond strength followed by hydrofluoric etched groups and CO2 laser irradiated groups
showed the lowest bond strength. Dentocem resin cement showed better bonding than
variolink II.The failures were either adhesive (between discs and cement)or
cohesive(cements on both disc and dentin).As a conclusion the bonding of Zirconia
can be improved by the different surface treatments especially by sandblasting
ceramic primer . Dentocem resin cement showed higher shear bond strength than
variolinkII so promoted better adhesion between dentin and zirconia.

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