Prevalence of Radix Entomolaris &Radix paramolaris in the extraction of permanent mandibular first and second molar (5-year clinical study)


  • Dr. Emad H. Abdulla



Keywords: Anatomical variations, Mandibular first molar, radix entomolaris, Three-rooted molar


Aim: To determine the Prevalence of Radix Entomolaris & Radix paramolaris in the
lower molar teeth during their extraction.
Introduction: mandibular molar is the earliest permanent posterior tooth to erupt,
responsible for development of occlusion and important physiologic functions like
chewing. Permanent molars was the most common teeth needing extraction in
Iraq. Thus, it is of utmost importance that the clinician be familiar with variations
in the root and root can Mandibular molars
Materials and Methods: A clinical Study for 5- years done 0n 842 extracted teeth. In
the Department of oral and maxilla-facial surgery clinic, college of dentistry,
university of Tikrit.
Results: Radix Entomolaris Radix& paramolaris was found in38 of the extracted
teeth with prevalence of 4.5 % with95 % confidence ranging between (3.1-5.9
%).1st molar consistuited about 3 / 4 (76.7 %) of the study sampling .On over all
the prevalence rate of this root variant was slightly higher among females. Also
the position of this variation shows that the right side significantly higher.
Conclusion: The high frequency of an extra root in mandibular molars makes it
essential for dentist to be familiar with this anatomical variation. . Further
extensive research is warranted to detect the incidence of this anatomical variation
in the complete Iraqi population




How to Cite

Abdulla, D. E. H. (2018). Prevalence of Radix Entomolaris &Radix paramolaris in the extraction of permanent mandibular first and second molar (5-year clinical study). Mustansiria Dental Journal, 11(1), 96–105.


