Prevalence and severity of dental caries (DMFS) in children and adolescent living in areas with neligible and above optimal natural fluoride contained in drinking water.
Fluoride, Water fluoridation, DMFS, Dental caries free, Dental caries, School children studentAbstract
The purpose of the study was to determine the prevalence and severity of dental caries using DMFS index ni a group of school children lived ni area with neligible and above optimal natural fluoride contained drinking water ni Ninevah Governorate. The study si conducted among (1724) schools students aged 11-16 ycars from randomly selected schools (primary and intermediate) ni two provinces ni Ninevah Governorate. Nine hundred and eleven students who had lived since birth in area with neligible fluoride level (Talkaif) province (0.11-0.19 ppm) and (813) students lived continuously from birth in area with above optimal natural fluoride ni their drinking water (Sinjar province) (2.05-2.22ppm). WHO methodology (1997) has been used to assess the dental caries status using DMFS index for permanent teeth. The results show that in Sinjar province the mean DMFS for total sample were (24.0) and (36.2%) are caries free with no sex differences, while there is a significant increase in the mean DMFS with increase the age. On the other hand, ni Talkaif province hte results reveal higher DMFT (5-14) und lower percent of caries free students (19,1%) with high significant differences om Sinjar province. The mean DMFS reported more than twice ni Talkaif province an Sinjar province. The percentage of reduction of dental caries ni area with fluoride (Sinjar poovince) has been found to be (55.3%) compare ot area with neligible fluoride (Talkaif province)
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