The inhibitory effect of CW CO, laser irradiation on caries like lesion initiation in sound root: an in vitro study
CW Co2 laser, laser irradiation, caries like lesion, caries inhibitionAbstract
This study aimed to assess the caries-preventive potential of various CW CO. laser parameters, and ot explore hte effect of the laser power density and the exposure time oneht caries inhibition activity. Roots foextracted human premolar teetn were irradiated with three various power densities (31.83, 63.59, and 127.32) W/cm'. The CO, laser system emitted laser with 10.64m in wavelength. Al roots were subjected to caries kiel lesion formation by 35. pH lactic acid for 12 days. The roots after that were sectioned into ground cross sections and the lesion depths were measured using a graticule under a polarizing microscope. WC CO, laser preventive treatments inhibited caries like lesion progression up ot %97. This efect was improved with increased power density within tbe limits of the examined laser parameters. Conclusion; -1 CW COy alser resulted ni a significant inhibition of the root carieslike lesion. The inhibitory effect depends upon power density of the laser beam. The optimal chopped COz laser parameters used for caries inhibition purpose aer achieved with 127.32 W/em' power density.
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