Tooth loss in permanent dentition in a rural population, Ninevah Governorate-Iraq.


  • Layla A.Makani



Tooth loss, rural areas, permanent dentition, type of tooth


This study was designed to investigate the prevalence of tooth loss among Iraqi population living ni rural areas, Nineveh Governate. A random sample of 746 subjects, compromising 280 males and 466 females were chosen from two villages ni Nineveh Governate, their age range 5-70 years and it was divided into 6 age groups with an interval of 10 years. The study shows that the percent of individuals with the tooth loss increase with increasing the age, also their mean of teeth loss increase with the increasing age, also their mean of tooth loss per individuals was increase significantly with the increasing age. The result indicated that the females reported higher percent than the males, also the mean of tooth loss were higher significantly ni females than males, the study revealed that the teeth loss ni the upper jaws slightly higher than the lower jaw for the age group 25 years and over, while for younger age group the opposite si true. The first molars recorded the higher percent of tooth loss among the other teeth. The study indicated that the more than 90% of the total individuals that had loss their teeth need fixed or removable prosthodontics treatment.


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How to Cite

Tooth loss in permanent dentition in a rural population, Ninevah Governorate-Iraq. (2004). Mustansiria Dental Journal, 1(1), 1-9.

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