Dental Arch Dimension Changes Following Prematurely Extracted Deciduous Molars
The aim was to assess the vertical and horizontal dimensional changes in the
maxillary and mandibular dental arches after the unilateral premature loss of
deciduous molars. Methods: The sample consist of 100 child between 8-9 years of age
with unilateral loss of first or second deciduous molars, either in the maxillary or
mandibular arches, Study casts were made and measurements conducted on the Auto
sketch program on the computer , The data obtained was subjected to statistical
analysis. The Results of the study showed that when comparing the mean values of
the loss groups with the control group a statistically significant difference in the
maxillary (A) distance after the premature loss of first or second deciduous molars,
however a high significant difference statistically in the (ML) distance recorded after
the premature loss of maxillary second deciduous molar ,while in the mandibular arch
a statistically high significant difference observed in most of the vertical and
horizontal distances following premature loss of second deciduous molar.
Conclusions: The major effect on the dental arch length and width following the
premature loss of the deciduous molars, indicating the need for fitting the space
maintainers' appliances as soon as the extraction is the final decision to the dentist.

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